About Alston C.

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Everyone dreams about having a good life, having more than enough money to go on a holiday/trip overseas without worrying about debts, spending time with their families and finding a job that they really love. I have the same dream as everyone else! In the recent years, work has gotten more and more stressful which ultimately led to me rethinking the choices that I have made in my life. I realised that a high salary which allows me to live a comfortable life is not something I want if my health was hurting – I don’t even have the time or strength to enjoy my life. So, what is the purpose? Wouldn’t it be better if I can do what I love – helping others – while at the same time live the life I want without any stress? Read below to learn about my journey till today…

Growing up…

I come from an average income family – we have enough to live on with occasional treats – having fast food is a rare occasion. I remember times when we want to have supper, it’s always 1 pack of food shared by 2. My dad is the sole breadwinner in the family while my mum takes care of us – sending and picking us up from school, for tuition classes etc. I remember my dad being someone who’s very interested in IT gadgets, brings us to IT fair once a year – what do we do there? Look around but never get buy anything at all! Eventually, none of us kids followed him to those fairs.

As my parents emphasizes importance of education, I was not allowed to work – not even during school holidays. It always made me wonder – would good grades/well-educated helps me later in life? I was never exposed to having dreams of getting an education overseas, goes on trips outside of my home town. But all that changed when I was in college, when I got to know friend – she talked about studying overseas, exploring endless opportunities etc It sounds like a lot of fun. It opened my eyes and mind to possibility of having a better life.

Start of work…

After graduation, I landed an entry level job with a financial institution. Great – I moved to the capital city, rented a room – I’m finally independent. Boy, how wrong was I? Immediately, from the 1st month itself, I learn how difficult it was to earn money and to live the life that I want. Why? I started hanging out with colleagues after work and soon enough, my salary was not enough to cover my expenses. I remember calling home every month, asking for my sister to loan me some cash, cash advances from my credit card. It just seem like never-ending story!

Wake up call…

One day, it turns out that pay day was still 2 days away. At that time, I was doing the night shift and come dinner time, I realised I don’t have much money left – all I have in my bank account was 5 bucks! That’s not enough to survive for 2 days! It was really a wake up call for me – I had to borrow money from a colleague (while I was walking to the cafe) – I managed to borrow 10 bucks and it was shared between myself and another colleague. From that day onward, I told myself I need to change, I need to find ways to earn more than enough so that I will no longer be in the same situation. I need to find ways to increase my salary – get a better job, get a promotion or even look for ways to earn online.

What did I do?

For days, I searched online, found many sites that offer Paid To Click (PTP), Paid to Read (PTR), Affiliate Marketing (promoting other people’s products), matrix program and investment program. I tried everything that I came across – but to no avail. I was earning at a snail pace – diligently clicking ads daily after work, not daring to take any risks. This went on for years until I eventually gave up due to hectic work schedule (I was lucky that I got a lot of opportunities at work and had a really good boss)

16 years later…

Fast forward to today, I may have been quite successful in corporate world – 4 promotions in 15 years, above average salary and able to afford my own house, go on a yearly holiday (on budget cost) but I still yearn to be able to not work and think about money. So, I have gone back to Affiliate Marketing, PTC and investment program. I would say I’m quite seasoned on working online – one of the program which I’ve joined in 2017 started earning me approximately $20 per month without much effort put in (though I’m still at a loss of USD 15/month), but I’m confident that given time, I will be able to earn comfortably through passive income online. I’ve also recently joined Wealthy Affiliate (it’s a great community that provides me with lots of help and guidance on how I can create a successful online business). Hopefully soon I’ll be able to leave behind the corporate world and truly enjoy life!

After discovering Wealthy Affiliate and with the training I have received together with the great support from the community, I have made a commitment to work on my site – Workanyplaceanytime.com, as it is my hope and wish that I will be able to help others who are also looking to earn or built a successful online business to achieve their dream of a stress free life. Together, we will be able to achieve the lifestyle that we want, working from anyplace anytime!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Workanyplaceanytime - Alston C.

Alston C.


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