[Updated] Wealthy Affiliate Review – An honest first impression

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In this post, I will give you an honest and insightful Wealthy Affiliate Review – whether it is for real or scam. I first came across Wealthy Affiliate back in the days when I was searching for a legitimate online work from home job. At that time, I believe Wealthy Affiliate was just starting out and at one point I think it was known as Wealthy Affiliate University. Unfortunately, I did not have the cash or risk appetite (membership cost $49 and back then, that was a lot of money!) to get involve in Wealthy Affiliate, until now. Although I’ve been a member for only about 3 weeks or so now 1 year now and I wanted to give you a my view, first impression if you may, on what I think about Wealthy Affiliate (WA).

Wealthy Affiliate Overview & Impression

Name : Wealthy Affiliate
WEbsite URL : www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Training : 4.8 out of 5.0
Support : 5.0 out of 5.0
Website Builder : 4.8 out of 5.0
Research Tools : 4.8 out of 5.0
Success Stories : 5.0 out of 5.0
Price : Starter Member (free), Premium Membership ($49/mth or $359/year)

From the time I register as a Starter Member and subsequently, upgraded to Premium Member, this site truly impressed me. From the design/structure of the site, responsiveness of the community members and owners, the mentorship, step by step guide and training courses provided. In addition, I am able to also read blog posts by other experienced members who are documenting their journey on the site. The number of inspirational stories are just overwhelming! I have so much to learn and grow, not only my online business but as an individual!

Without further ado…

What is Wealthy Affiliate all about?

  1. Transform Your Ideas into Profits
  2. Build Beautiful, Profit Ready Websites. No Design Skills Needed
  3. Proven Strategies to Attract Loads of Traffic
  4. Unlimited Revenue Sources

From what I gather for the last few weeks have learnt throughout last year, it is a platform designed for Affiliate Marketers of All Levels. It is a community of affiliate marketers who come together to learn, teach and improve on each other’s life and online business. There is always a success story here and there from various community members and these aren’t posts to brag about their successes, but more so to provide motivation to all members as well as sharing of tips and guides. In addition, as a Starter Member – I was given 2 free website hosted on SiteRubix.com. Of cos, after i upgraded to a Premium Member – I get 25 free websites hosted on SiteRubix.com and another 25 website on own domain. For the price of $49/mth or $359/year – I think it’s a steal ! Trust me – I bought a domain and hosting package for $350+ and didn’t get much support / training, not to mention the company suspended my account twice! Now, that domain and hosting is just left unattended till my package ends as I found out the hard way – I do not get refunded even if I cancel before my 3 years i up! Such a waste of money!

To Get the Most Advanced & Comprehensive Training in The Industry, Click Here!

Site structure

Once I log into the site, on the home page itself, there are basically 3 sections as you can see below.WorkAnyplaceAnytime.com - Wealthy Affiliate Home

Left sidebar has the list of links –

  • Dashboard
  • Training (more on this later)
  • Websites (Starter – 2 free sites, Premium – 25 free + 25 own domain)
  • Live Events (weekly live video sessions)
  • Research (keyword research)
  • Live Chat
  • Help Center

The main content (middle column) – Link to your training (it brings you directly to where you last stop), recognition (list all the new premium members), blog posts by fellow members and a Today’s Top 10 posts. On the right side bar – live chat messages. Not to mention, the top page bar – there is a search box and 6 icons that has links to :

  1. Website builder and content write
  2. Credit Dashboard
  3. Your stats/links/affiliate banner
  4. Trip to Las Vegas (list the number of sales to meet to get a fully paid trip to Las Vegas
  5. Notifications
  6. Private messages.

The layout of the site provides easy navigation as everything is laid out properly. Only thing is, although each link opens up in the same window, I can actually press Ctrl-C and click in order for it to open in a new window/tab – truly convenient when I need to work on my site while watching the training video!

Pretty cool, right?

A community of caring experts

As mentioned above, there are Live chats and in each training lessons, you are encouraged to complete a certain tasks – ie. post your goal for the year, state if you’ll be interested to join the trip to Las Vegas and how you will achieve that, post 2 encouragement messages to other members, ask questions in the post, so on and so forth. I find this to be rather useful as majority of the time, my questions / message gets answered almost immediately! Everyone in WA are also affiliates like myself and almost everyone are at different levels or expertise – some just joined, some have years of experiences and everyone sharing their tips, ideas, joy and fears. I can even post a message requesting for members to review my website and provide comments for improvements! I’ve never encountered a more caring community! All the community members never shy away from sharing their achievements, coming out with training lessons themselves, or just to share some new tools which they have come across that will help newbies like me.

To Get the Most Advanced & Comprehensive Training in The Industry, Click Here!

Training format

There are various format of training and you can choose whichever format that suits your style!

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification (50 lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 lessons)
  • Live Interactive Video classes (weekly)
  • Video & Text bases tutorials (1000+)
  • Course, Lessons & Task Based TrainingWorkAnyplaceAnytime.com - Wealthy Affiliate Training Menu

These training caters to all levels of marketers, however, for the first 2 – it is best to go for either one of it only as it caters for different purposes. Online Entrepreneur Certification teaches you how to build your own niche website, while the Affiliate Bootcamp Training is more about building a website relating to Wealthy Affiliate. I am currently going through the Affiliate Bootcamp Training, this was after I completed 10 lessons under Online Entrepreneur Certification. Nevertheless, if you upgrade to Premium Member, be sure to go through the weekly Live Interactive Video classes! I have myself attended a few of these premium live training – the most recent was on SEO checklist which I find to be very detailed and useful.


After only 3 weeks a year of exploring the site, I realised I still have a lot more to learn and work on. It is like what people say, this is a marathon, so, I need to take my time to learn and build a strong foundation. As I continue with the training, I will be able to build a better site and move towards achieving financial freedom through online affiliate marketing. I’ve used all the knowledge that I’ve learnt so far into creating this site (the one you’re reading now) and trust me, it works! Although I’m still not very good with implementing what I’ve learnt, I’m proud to say that it has still brought me visitors – granted not a lot, on average ~30 visitors to my site and this is mainly because my site does not have enough posts. I do get returning visitors as well, so I’m grateful with this.

As the owners of Wealthy Affiliate regularly provide new updates & enhancements, in fact, this site is going through a facelift this year! and there is a on-going incentive to motivate members to be successful as well – if you meet the criteria – there is an all expense paid trip to WA’s yearly convention which unfortunately, I’ve yet to qualify till date. Oh well, will have to work harder to achieve it soon.

So, what do you think? Want to join me in my journey!

WorkAnyplaceAnytime.com - Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership Sign Up

If you have any questions, do leave me a comment below and I will try my best to reply within 24 hours.

WorkAnyplaceAnytime.com - Alston C.

Alston C.


Wealthy Affiliate Review $49.00
  • Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate has a lot of benefits to offer to its member, the content of the training which includes Online Entrepreneur and Affiliate Bootcamp provides step by step guide including video to help its community succeed in building their own online business. There is always someone available to answer your questions, not to mention the site support is extremely helpful and fast – answers your ticket in a few minutes time! I would highly recommend you to try it. Afterall, the starter membership is FREE.

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