SFI Marketing Group – 22 Reasons Why You’ll Love It

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For the past few years, I have searched and research various Work from home programmes, learning to earn a residual income from home through online business and affiliate marketing. Sad to say, till date, I have only found mainly 2 programmes that truly delivers what the founders promised. Yes! That is you really can earn a residual income through their websites and you do get paid! Do note that both the programmes that I recommend is not a Get Rich Scheme and do require some form of daily effort and determination. The main site that I promote is the Wealthy Affiliate (you can read about my review here) and the 2nd is call SFI Marketing Group, of which I have been a member for almost 2 years now. So, without further ado, this is my honest review and opinion on SFIMG.

What is SFI Marketing Group?

Workanyplaceanytime.com - SFI

SFI Marketing Group is also known as Strong Future International Marketing Group which was launched in 1998. The company/group initially started out with only one product which is sold only in the United States. SFI’s corporate headquarters is located at 620 N. 48th, Suite 104, Lincoln, NE 68504. Yes, there is a physical office! Anyway, the group has not grown to more than 10,000 products and services. As part of continous expansion, SFI has also create new revenue streams such as Localvantia.com which partners with local business to offer rewards to its members, an online store – TripleClicks.com which is similar to Amazon.com, Ebay.com etc where you can purchase products from the shops/outlets, not to mention Astro Auctions – where you can bid for products using the credits earn from SFIMG. SFI is now in its 21st year, with millions of dollars in annual sales and millions paid in commissions to thousands of affiliates (like me!) around the world and is registered with Better Business Bureau. Their parent company, Carson Services, Inc. is in its 35th year of business! WorkAnyplaceAnytime.com - SFI BBB

What do I love about SFI?

As I mentioned in the title, there are at least 22 different reasons! I’m not kidding about this at all.

  1. Work from the comfort of your home or when you are travelling as you can access the site through your computer, tablet or smartphone as long as you have internet connection
  2. There are more than 100,000 quality goods and services from vendors worldwide where you get shop with and earn at the same time
  3. You can start FREE, no obligation, and no purchase requirements (of course unless you want to get into a higher level to earn even more)
  4. You can start earning money within hours just introducing the site to your friends and family
  5. All orders, payments, shipping and customer service is taken care by SFI
  6. Thousands of SFI affiliates around the world earn commissions every day
  7. You get trained for FREE, so no specific experience is required
  8. Excellent long-term residual income potential
  9. Earn money worldwide (in over 190 countries) – imagine having more friends around the world at the same timing!
  10. Learn and earn at your own pace
  11. World-class 24/7 support and assistance is provided – the community is really great as well!
  12. Compensation plan utilizes powerful infinite-dept Dynamic Compression for maximum payouts – you get paid as well from multiple levels
  13. Free customized-for-you websites
  14. Personal, one-on-one support available around the clock – either through chat, forum or email

Well… I’m sure by now you get the picture and there’s no need for me to continue with more reasons 🙂

Ok, what do I need to do once I join?

Once you sign up, I’ll share how you can sign up further below, but once you’ve joined, you will directly enter into the Affiliate Center. Below is my Affiliate Center, and as you can see, there are various tabs in black and those in green. The ones in green are basically your daily tasks – you start off with it being red, and once you’ve completed the tasks, it turns into green. These are all very simple tasks – you basically just need to read through the page and click the button at the end to confirm you have read the page. Some pages are games – see, its fun too… there is one on Auction and so on. I will cover this further down..

Workanyplaceanytime - SFI Center

Ok, Ok, I know you will get very excited of all the earning potentials this site has, but, before all that, make sure you go to the Launchpad first. Launchpad is where you will get all the training you need relating to this site. This is also where you will learn the different terms (ok, its not that bad, haha) such is TCredit, VersaPoints, different levels ie. Executive Affiliate, Bronze Team Leaders etc. You will also learn about how you can increase your earning potential, team building, sponsoring and so on. Workanyplaceanytime - SFI Launchpad


How do I complete the tasks?

As I mentioned above, you basically need to click on each one – starting with Alert (which is anyway the main page you see). Read through the page and scroll down. Towards the end, you will see a button in blue. Click that and the page will refresh itself. Once it refreshes itself, you will see that the Alert tab is now in green. Voila! You’ve just complete your first task!.

Workanyplaceanytime - SFI Stream

This is the Stream tab (above) which shows the messages from your uplines or sponsors. Once you have sponsored some affiliates, this is also where you can leave messages, words of encouragements, share advices etc to your team members.

RW or better known as Rewardicals is a newer stream which was launched in 2018 which ties up with local businesses known as Localvantia. Localvantia are local business where you can approach local business within your area to sign up in, and when members or patrons use / purchase from the local merchants, they are awarded Rewardicals which they can exchange for cash, purchase products and services etc. So, if you introduced a merchant, whenever the merchant gives out rewardical, you actually earn some yourself!. Workanyplaceanytime - SFI RW
At the tab EZ (EasyZebra), this is actually a games page as you can see from the screenshot above. There are several games here which you can play for free. By playing the games, you can actually earn Rewardicals (Reward points) and you can also share the link with your friends or family. When you friends or family click on the link and register to play, they automatically becomes someone that you referred – which then creates another stream of revenue for you. You get paid when your referrals actually buy TCredits from the store! How cool is that?

Workanyplaceanytime - SFI EZ

At the auction tab, this is where you can participate in the auctions that are available. In order to participate, you have no choice but to purchase TCredit from the Tripleclicks website. On the brighter side, if you do participate in the auctions, eventhough you don’t win the auction, you get to win other prizes such as Rewardicals, extra lives for the games etc which is also pretty neat!workanyplaceanytime - SFI Auction

The scorecard tab, as it says, shows you your personal scorecard – how you have done for the month/day and it also shows the upcoming commission that you will get. Commission is paid on 10th of the following month based on your achievements of the current month. Workanyplaceanytime - SFI ScorecardSharing with you the commissions I’ve earn so far, its not too bad eventhough I basically don’t actively promote to get referrals (I should though). I have been paid twice so far – almost $140 in total. So, imagine if I have been actively promoting and all my team members put in the hardwork as me, the commission would be way more!Workanyplaceanytime.com - SFI CommissionRemember how I mention about the great community? Well, there is the forum and chat that you can use to ask your questions – the founder Carson is very active in the forum providing answers, news update and regularly coming out with more streams of revenue. workanyplaceanytime - SFI Forum

You’ve got me, how do I join?

Glad you asked this question, you can start by going to SFIMG.com and click on the Join SFI FREE here. Fill up you details and click I want to start Earning NOW. Congratulations, you’re now a SFI Affiliate!workanyplaceanytime - SFI Signupworkanyplaceanytime - SFI Registration


In my opinion, SFI Marketing Group is a good programme to earn a living from home especially if you are someone who likes to work from the comfort of your home. If you are more outgoing, you can also take advantage of the Localvantia programme and reach out to your local merchants to be a part of the network, to further increase your income. Do bare in mind that this is not a get rich programme and would definitely require you putting in your effort to complete your tasks daily, get engaged with the community and would require you to actively promote the programme as well in order to earn a decent residual income. Some form of payment would also be required if you want to increase your level of earning. It all depends on your means and how much you want to achieve your financial freedom. I would definitely recommend this as a second residual income stream mainly due to the fact that I’ve tried this and is getting paid for my effort. Not to mention this is a legit business that keeps growing.

If you want to earn additional income in the form of bitcoins, you should check out my reviews on Cointiply, Cryptomininggame and BTCMine. These are extremely slow earning sites but its fun to earn some bitcoin while you’re online.

Do check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate which is my #1 recommendation whereby you can learn to build your own business online, instead of relying on others!

Till then,

workanyplaceanytime - Alston

Alston C.


SFI Marketing Group Review
  • Ease of Use
  • Availability of Site
  • Ease of Withdrawal


SFI Marketing Group is a good programme to earn a living from home especially if you are someone who likes to work from the comfort of your home. If you are more outgoing, you can also take advantage of the Localvantia programme and reach out to your local merchants to be a part of the network, to further increase your income.

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