Febbit.com : No effort required?

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Nowadays with the cost of living skyrocketing in most countries, everyone is just looking for an easy way out – earning lots of money without putting in much work. That is also how most people get scammed! I’m sure last year, when bitcoin was booming and suddenly plunged deeply, a lot of people would have lost most of their savings in these investments. Of course, unless you held on to your bitcoins at that time! In the recent months, Bitcoin is again making a comeback with Bitcoin priced at around $7,000 give or take, all those cryptocurrency faucets and game sites continues to see growing numbers of users. Febbit.com is one of these bitcoin earning site that practically doesn’t require you to do anything! It has a colourful graphic blocks that imitated a frog trying to mine a rock! LOL.. Anyway, I have been a user of this site for quite some months now, so this review is definitely based on my own experience!

What is Febbit.com?

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Febbit.com is a browsergame-faucet that simulates bitcoin mining and allows you to earn satoshis/bitcoins through upgrading of “installed chips”. In this game, you build up a cryptocurrency mining farm (mainly just a frog trying to break a rock), install chips to increase your mining power etc. You collect your earnings once per hour (experience, credits and BTC satoshi). In order to increase your earning potential, you should check regularly to cool down your booster and refill the batteries. Once you reach the required “experience” for that level, you will level up. Each level up, you get a random chip to upgrade your mining hardware. The game is simple and very easy to play, so, there is practically not much effort required to earn from this site.

What else do I need to do?

As mentioned above, you would need to build your mining farm. This involves installing the chips – each chips provides power up on different aspect of your mine. It could increase boost duration, increase mining power, increase boost power and timing power etc. These chips can be upgraded and comes with different grade and level as well. In order to upgrade the chips, you would need to purchase the upgrade with “credits” which are earn when you collect your hourly earnings. In addition, to further improve your game, there are daily event within the site as well :

  • Refill energy
  • Mine block
  • Cool down
  • Level up chips
  • Open up caches

Completing each of these events will grant you various prizes – either credits (for leveling up your chips), caches (random chips), dust (used to upgrade your chips to a different grade) and others.

How do I earn even more?

Similar to all the other sites, another option is to refer others to join using your referral links. This is provided under the “social” button, and the pay structure is quite interesting in the sense that you can earn up to 3 levels.

  • 1st level – 10% of what your referrals make
  • 2nd level – 3% of what your referrals’ referral make
  • 3rd level – 1% of what your 2nd level’s referrals’ referral make (if this makes sense!)

If you’re not keen to promote, then all you need to do is just make sure you check in every few hours to refill energy, cool down and collect your earnings. As you level up, you will start to earn much faster. Every 2.5 hours, do check out the shop – thats the shopping cart button as there are usually some good deals that will help with your game – Don’t worry, it does not require any investment or money coming out from your pocket. The shops uses the credits or dust that you earn from the game.

What makes Febbit.com different?

For one, this site is not bogged down by too many ads. No doubt there are ads here and there, but it does not make it difficult to use the site or too cluttered. Interface is very simple, though it takes abit of clicking around as most of the buttons does not come with labels, but once you’ve clicked around, you’ll pretty much figure it out. Besides that, this site does not come with a “How does it work”, so, it really takes a bit of trial and error – though the FAQ helps. Also, this site does not require any investment or allows you to deposit any funds. This is purely a free site that lets you earn satoshis from it without any investment!

What about withdrawal?

In order to withdraw from the site, you would need to reach the withdrawal limit of 1000 satoshis and you can do this through Settings > Profile. If you consistently (every few hours) log in and play on the site, you will reach the withdrawal limit in no time. Withdrawals are made to your Faucethub.io account – so, you’ll need to make sure that you have an account there first before you withdrawal.

What is the verdict?

My personal opinion – this is definitely a Legit site as I have personally withdraw at least 3-4 times from this site and usually I waited till I reach around 2000 satoshis before I withdraw. Withdrawal process was fast and easy and so far, I have not encountered any issue with the site being down or not able to withdraw. Based on Netbusinessrating.com, Febbit.com is rated 1st under the category Cryptocurrency Games with 163 opinions (all the opinions has been good and mostly accompanied with payment proofs) and rating of 4.7/5. Netbusinessrating has also been monitoring this site for 420 days! Besides that, there is also a News section within the site which links to Febbit.com’s Reddit site where the site admin regularly posts updates, contest and for users to post their questions.

How do I sign up?

You do not actually need to create an account as this site utilizes your Google account. As long as you have a Google account, just sign in using that. However, if you have multiple Google account, just make sure you use the same one each time! Else, you’ll end up with multiple accounts which gets you no where!


This is a site that is worth checking out and be part of the community who gets a kick out of earning cryptocurrency through gaming site. Mind you, this site is not going to help you get rick overnight, neither will it let you earn lots of bitcoin at one go. It is more of a site where you can spend some time daily and  get something in return – more of an additional residual income stream. If you are interested in similar sites like this, check out my reviews on Satoshilabs.net, Rollercoin.com, Cryptomininggame.com and others.

If you are serious about earning a sustainable income online through creating your own online business, generating income while you’re on holiday – you seriously should check out my #1 recommendation where I share with you the site which is helping me live a truly stress free life! This site has a great community of like minded people, vast amount of training videos and lessons, not to mention gives you 2 websites for free! Click here to join me!

Till then,

Alston C.

Febbit.com Review
  • Ease of Use
  • Availability of Site
  • Ease of Withdrawal


Febbit.com is a very simple and easy to earn game site. You can earn satoshis just by upgrading the chips, refill energy and cool down the “frog”. Withdrawal limit is 1000 satoshi and it is easy to achieve with withdrawal easily sent to your Faucethub.io account. Definitely recommended.

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